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Teacher of Media and English!
British Politics - A simple guide for A Level and GCSE Media (Eduqas)

British Politics - A simple guide for A Level and GCSE Media (Eduqas)

Approx. 1-2 lessons designed to help GCSE or A Level media students understand British politics. This lesson defines what a Political Party is and explores the ideologies of the three main political parties in the UK. This is relevant to the study of newspapers for Eduqas GCSE and A Level Media studies so focuses on ideologies. The final task asks students to create in Instagram page for each of the main political parties which demonstrates the ideology of each party. This lesson is intended to be followed by analysis of the ‘set’ newspapers and analysis of how political ideologies impact these newspapers.
HOME LEARNING - Spectre Section B - Eduqas GCSE Media

HOME LEARNING - Spectre Section B - Eduqas GCSE Media

A HOME LEARNING project on Spectre media audience and industry for students taking GCSE Media in 2021 - created for the Codiv-19 school closure. This covers most of the Section B specification and includes tasks like: research, analysis, application of theories (previously taught), exam style questions etc. I created this for a class who have done some work on Spectre and James Bond so far, but some of this s ‘new content’ for them; this could however, also be suitable for students with lots of previous learning on Spectre and Section B.
Introduction to Camera Angles - Media Studies

Introduction to Camera Angles - Media Studies

A lesson which introduces some basic camera angles and explores camera movements, analyses the camera angles used in print based media and a film trailer and a practical task which encourages students to take some still images using a range of different angles. This lesson is a great introduction to the skills required for the NEA.
Introduction to Media Representations

Introduction to Media Representations

A lesson which introduces the concept of Media Representations and stereotypes in relation to gender in print based media. The lessons explores typical stereotypes of men/women and examines the use of these on a wide range of print based adverts but modern and historic.
LGBTQ Music Videos

LGBTQ Music Videos

A couple of lessons which introduce the concept of media representations and representations of gender and LGBTQ in music videos. This is aimed at Year 9 English students but could be used with GCSE/A Level Media Students or PSHCE. The lessons focus on the use of visual language, narrative and representations in the music video ‘Girls Like Girls’.
Media Representations - Ethnicity and LGBTQ - MEDIA STUDIES

Media Representations - Ethnicity and LGBTQ - MEDIA STUDIES

A unit of approx. 6 lessons (depending on pace and ability) which introduces the concept of media representations. This is aimed at Year 9 English students but could be used with GCSE/A Level Media Students. Lessons cover: film genre, representations of ethnicity in the media fosucing on The Help as well as wider media products from a range of forms (advertising, magazines), ethnicity theory, camera angles, gender in TV advertising and music videos (Uptown Funk), LGBTQ music videos (Girls Like Girls) and Todorov’s Narrative.
Introduction to Magazines

Introduction to Magazines

A double lesson (I taught it over 2 hours) which introduces the concept of lifestyle magazines and explores the use of media language on two ‘unseen’ magazine covers. This lesson is an introduction to the study of Pride and GQ for Eduqas GCSE media.
The Sweeney - Contexts - Eduqas GCSE Media

The Sweeney - Contexts - Eduqas GCSE Media

A simple lesson which introduces relevant contexts before watching the first episode. This includes some small tasks and links to YouTube videos. Also makes use of extracts from the Life on Mars DVD. Relevant to Eduqas GCSE Media Studies Component 2.
What is Media - A first lesson!

What is Media - A first lesson!

A basic first lesson asking pupils to explore what Media is. Activities include looking at, and exploring, the main Media platforms. Also includes WJEC course info but this could be changed for any exam board. Enjoy!
Film Advertising and Dyer's Star Theory

Film Advertising and Dyer's Star Theory

Two lessons looking at film advertising with a focus on targeting audiences. Uses and Gratification and Dyer's Star Theory are included in the lessons. Focus - The Woman in Black and Saving Mr Banks. Enjoy!
Music Industry and Audience EDUQAS GCSE Media

Music Industry and Audience EDUQAS GCSE Media

A lesson for Eduqas GCSE Media Studies for Paper 2 Section B. This focus on Taylor Swift and Pharrell Williams (can be very easily adapted to the other set music artists). Lessons explore: audience and the music industry. Makes use to the Eduqas GCSE textbook.